Thursday, May 20, 2010

All this heat and humidity is at least good for something.

I think it's doing my yard a world of good - especially my vegetable garden. As you can see by the photos of the okra, I am experiencing some success.
The calendar I keep for the garden indicates that I've been trying to make this work since the 3rd week in February. After an unusually harsh winter and very cool spring we have, in the last week, jumped right to summer with high, high humidity and lots of muggy heat.
I think this squash has grown a LOT in the last week. I don't know how it will taste but it looks beautiful and healthy.
The tomatoes in the bed that didn't get a soil change are growing and getting lots of little green tomatoes on the vine.
These are hot, hot jalepenos. This jalepeno reminds me of a story about my trip to Washington, D.C. with my mom which was a graduation present for graduating from college. One evening we went to a restaurant for dinner and I'm not sure why a jalepeno was even on my plate but I took a bite thinking it was going to be mild and sweet. It wasn't. It burned my mouth to a point where I thought I was going to fall on the floor screaming with pain. My mom laughed till she cried. I never forgot that dinner.

Cucumbers will need a stake soon.
Tiny green tomatoes on the vine.
More squash.
After running out of room in the raised beds I started growing herbs in Mason jars. I figured it wouldn't work... It did.

This basil needs to be transplanted. It is outgrowing its jar.
On the other side of the yard in the Hydrangea garden things are looking very nice. In this bed the hydrangeas are pink...
.... and in this bed they are blue.

I can't thank all the wise gardeners that coached me through this first part of growing a garden enough. Without your encouragement I don't know if I would have ended up with anything at all. Phone calls with tips on fertilization and soil conditions and visits to see how things are going have been and still are extremely welcomed and appreciated. It has certainly taken a village to get me this far.

On a sadder note, my sweet friend Nancy was called home last week to be with the Lord. Her battle with cancer was remarkable. She showed courage and grace every day. Her faith in the Lord was unwavering. Her friendship was cherished and special. She asked about my garden often and looked forward to the bounty that she was sure would come soon. I thank you Lord for my friend Nancy.

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