This was breakfast on Sunday. Paula Dean convinced my sweet husband that this is some good eatin'. So, he got up early on Sunday and fixed it for all of us. It was pretty good. It was better without any meat on it.
Then we took this sweet girl to camp. When we dropped her off she was in heaven. She was thrilled about spending 5 days with her girlfriends. I am grateful for the old friends and new friends that she is growing up with.
These are the beautiful yellow Knock Out Roses that my dad ordered and gave me. Actually I have 8 rose bushes. I think of him everytime I see them. A catepillar got on two plants and ate the leaves but I think they will come back. The rest are looking great.
This melon is growing and there is another melon on the vine.
This basil is growing like a weed. I would love to make some pesto with this. I grew this from seed. I recommend growing herbs from seed. Start them in a Mason jar and transplant when they are big enough to withstand the environment.
These tomatoes were a surprise. This was part of the second round of tomatoes I planted in the fertilized soil. I think these are doing so much better than the other tomatoes that were planted in the soil that wasn't very rich.
Last week we had a string of bad luck and most of the fish in the pond died. We have ten new Koi that are living in the pond now. The four that survived what we now refer to as 'the pond incident' are all named Lucky. There's Lucky #1, Lucky #2, and so forth. A beautiful pink Lily was blooming this morning in the pond.
And in the category of 'irritating news', the yellow jackets have built a new nest. Fortunately, there have been no stings so far. I think all these have gone to the great yellow jacket heaven in the sky.
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