Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm a bad blogger and a few other observations.

Things have been moving at a rapid pace for the past few weeks. I have been a really bad blogger. I always have really good intentions of blogging but it seems that other things have had to come first. While I have a few minutes I thought I would catch you up.

1. See those guys blowing and raking and bagging leaves? They have to do that twice a week. At first I was composting all those leaves but it became too much brown material. Seventeen sacks every 3 days is a lot of brown material and I just don't have the space to do that much composting - even with an acre of space. This is how my home got its name - Falling Leaf Cottage.
2. Due to two unrelated leaks all the wood floors had to be sanded, fixed, restained, and polyurithaned. It took about a week. It was awful. The movers had to move all my furniture to the garage and Pat had to live at a hotel for a week. I hope we have all those leaks fixed because I can't go through that again.... ugh!
3. While all the furniture was in the garage and the house was a total wreck, I decided to paint too. Why not? As long as you are miserable you might as well go all the way, right? My kitchen used to look something like this one with the black cabinets.
Now, it looks more like this one. Yep, everything is creamy white now.
4. So, the leaves fell, the floors warped, the painters took their sweet time painting. Next, the freezing temps arrived. All the palms had to be wrapped and mulched to protect them from the harsh weather.
5. Next, the elves arrived - 6 of them and they changed my house from fall to Christmas in about 6 hours.
They work really hard and go very fast. They are also expensive. Who knew Santa charged so much? It would have taken me a week to accomplish what they did in half a day so it is worth every penny.
6. Once all the work was done a short vacation was needed. We headed to the Hill Country with another family and had 4 days of nothing but relaxation and fun. Our fun included a trip through an exotic zoo. Feeding an ostrich is hilarious. Try it sometime. You will laugh your head off.

I started this blog with the intention of documenting the changes and remodeling that was going on here at Falling Leaf. Sometimes things don't turn out the way you intend. I ended up blogging about gardening and my family instead. Some days I wonder if this little blog matters. I hope my husband and children read it some day. I don't think it will be life changing for them but they might find it interesting to see the things that interested me as the days and years pass. Even I forget about some of the topics that I blog about and it is interesting to go back and read the entries. After Christmas I begin Master Gardeners class. I think it will be interesting to see where that class takes me. Will my vegetable garden be the same? better? Will I become more interested in flower gardening and shade gardening and I give up vegetable gardening? Who knows? One day it will be fun to look back at the blog entries and see my first vegetable garden and remember the lessons learned and work that went in to it. Life holds lots of little surprises and I think that this spring we will see big changes happening here at Falling Leaf Cottage.

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